Showing the love of Christ in terms they understand in order to present to them the Christ that died for them.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Aug 25

Today has been a good one.
I didn't get o sleep until after 1am. Word to the wise.....if you leave a light on above your bed, every flying bug (including roaches) will find you. It will also takes them a while to decide to leave you alone after you turn off the light.
While laying there I became reaquainted with the night sounds of my youth. It brought a smile to my face and a great feeling inside. In the distance I could hear a donkey singing his song. The mice running over the ceiling tiles in the attic. The flying bugs hitting the wall. The chicken and her chicks that have taken up residence in the yard searching for food. I hear singing in the distance (that is sound I always love hearing....especially in harvest season).
I slept in until almost 9am. That is huge. The day SHOULD start no later than 6am. Dad of course was up early. This time the batteries lasted until 4am. We are making progress. Each time the batteries are holding their charge more and more. There is sulfur that has to boil out of the batteries and that is happening now that the inverter is on the right setting.
We were able to get 24 gallons of fuel this morning and hope to get more tomorrow. This allows us to breath a little easier knowing the power issues are getting better. So as week one comes to a close we have fuel, lights, and communication. Not bad for a day's work.
After charging the batteries that lasted all day until 4pm. We should be using the generator only a few hours a day now. This will significantly help in conserving fuel.  
Dad had to transfer the fuel from the drum into the fuel tank which takes some time and a steady hand. The hand pump had stopped working. This means pouring fuel into a bucket and then pouring it into the fuel tank. He worked on his other projects in the depot and saw people who came to see him today. Some had walked hours to see him.
My baby patient did not come today but is suppose to show up later this week. The mud here is making any commuting a little hard. I went to the clinic and got some baby formula, bottles, and other essentials to try and help them out. Seeing those buildings made me really wish I had studied medicine and knew how to help more. Today one of the people seeing my dad had gone to a local hosptal. After spending the equivilant of nearly a years salary, he was given vitamins and antacids. There are so many issues here that vitamins and antacids can help but to cost a person a years salary for what we often buy and leave untouched in our cabinets until they expire is just so wrong.
My patient from yesterday is doing great and we were lucky the cut on his wrist was not too deep. He gave me such a smile. I made Dad and I some lunch and enjoy another treat of roasted corn. I am getting spoiled with all these things I can't get back in the USA. For those keeping track.....why yes, yes I did eat avocado again today. LOL
I worked on some documents that need updating and saw online that my Yankees were able to hit 3 count them 3 GRANDSLAMS in one game. Oh yeah!. Now if Boston could please lose the next 5 I woud be happy. I can't believe I am saying this but Texas please play a mean game of baseball tonight. Yes I may be out of the country I still like my sports.
I made salad for dinner, boiled the water for dishes and cleaning counters and got the kitchen cleaned up. This evening I am reading a book and taking a one day break off studying. My brain needed a break after all the stake holder, contengency plans, and monitoring flow charts I am studying. I did get to enjoy visiting with a few family and friends on skype. Amazing how I do that more here than I do when I am stateside.

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